Wednesday, December 12, 2012

A dozen dates; you join the dots

01/01/01 - In Tempe, AZ, trying to shake off the effects of a block party ushering in the new year with a bunch of friends.

02/02/02 - Still in Tempe, AZ. Going through the grind of the spring semester at ASU.

03/03/03 - No points for guessing: still based in AZ. Going through the routines of yet another spring semester at ASU. A few of us are beginning to look like Mike Murali: forever in college.

04/04/04 - In Chennai.  A period of growing anxiety about finding a job in India/Chennai after having returned from the US in January. Anticipating a call from the company that I had interviewed with in February. I did receive the call a few days later and I joined on 04/15.

05/05/05 - In the Bay Area, CA on some assignments. Little do I know that this will become my place of residence in another 5 years.

06/06/06 - In Grenoble, France. Working at a customer site on a short term assignment. I recollect attending a meeting that day with the top guys there in a conference room with a fine view of the mountains.

07/07/07 - In upstate NY, wrapping up a very interesting project at IBM. Two of my colleagues have their respective second kids, both girls, born on this day.

08/08/08 - In Chennai. Performing the 8th day ceremonies for my mother who had passed away a week earlier.

09/09/09 - In Singapore. Email archives say that it was a meh day at work. I was preparing to go to Korea the following week. Interesting note: nearly all of the people from those emails have since moved on to different careers.

10/10/10 - In Singapore. Preparing to move to the US via India a month later. My wife is pregnant with our kid and is battling morning sickness while we mentally prepare ourselves for the cross-continental move. Good times.

11/11/11 - In the Bay Area, CA which has become home for nearly a year.Yet again the email archives and office notebook entries (mostly doodles) seem to suggest an uneventful Friday. The wife has returned from a trip to India and we are real parents, taking care of our 7-month old kid ourselves.

12/12/12 - Typing up this post! Maybe I will update on how this Wednesday turned out. Stay tuned.

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