Monday, March 8, 2010

I'm jumping into the tank

Forget travel writer, sports editor. Forget the government udhyogam too. Working for a think tank, in any capacity, has got to be the coolest job around. Hands down. I can't quite put my finger on it but there seems to be a ring to it. A think. And then a tank. A think tank. *Shivers* It was only recently that I started paying attention to them. On TV, they are always the impeccable folks. They are the ones in nice suits, with white teeth and neat hair cuts. I can imagine their entry into a party bringing an abrupt end to all chatter as people turn their heads to get a glimpse, forks in mid air.

I personally don't know what gets done inside one of think tanks or what kind of people are hired. And I don't think they are in the habit of conducting open houses or having stalls at job fairs in colleges either. So it is left to an individual's imagination to paint a picture of one. Don't ask me why but I always come up with a very silent, well furnished office. No work tables or computers, just some lazboys scattered around and a walk up drink bar. And important looking people staring intently at the ceiling or chewing their nails with an intense look. Breaking every now and then only to spit out masticated cuticles. All the tell tale signs of thinking minds at work.

Whatever it is, the possibilities of being part of a think tank give me goosebumps just thinking about it. Excuse the unintended pun. If you haven't really warmed up to the idea, imagine a job description that says:

The candidate must be:
Willing to think.
Proficient in thinking about multiple things.
Must be able to think with very little supervision.
Able to think as part of a team and also individually.
Occasionally may be required to think during weekends.

Except for the last point, it is tough to beat that kind of duties. Or imagine having this conversation with your boss:

Boss: Here is something for you to think about: .
You: When do you need this?
Boss: This one is due tomorrow morning.
You: I'll think about it.
Boss: Thanks man! I really can count on you.

Or this:

Boss: Have you completed the Penske assignment?
You: I thought about it the whole of last week. The results from the thought experiment seem to be accurate.
Boss: Excellent! Just what I wanted to hear.

And if you are still not convinced, your Out-of-office note can read: I'm thinking out of the box next week with little to no access to my mind. My thoughts may be delayed. If you can't hold your thoughts, think about my manager.

Have you ever wondered how these people make money? When was the last time you became aware that a think tank actually laid roads and provided clean drinking water to any population? Have you seen someone from your local think tank in hard hats and work boots? Me neither. I mean, you don't read about a think tank being associated with anything even remotely related to actual work. Or getting stuff done. Not surprisingly, I haven't seen the annual financial reports of a think tank or how the shares of Think Tank Inc. are trading these days. But flipping through the pages of any newspaper, you come across a think tanker (You heard it first here!) always having an opinion, a few words and, of course, thoughts on just about anything under the sun. In other words, if there is a tree on which money grows, you will find it on their premises.

No wonder then, that there are atleast 5,465 of them worldwide, with a good 1,777 of them based in the US. At a conservative 10 guys per tank, there are over 54 thousand think tankers (You heard it a second time here too!) amongst us. A pretty elite group. And I'm making it known now and here that I'm eager to be counted as one among them. It's official: I'm on the lookout for think tanks planning to hire. As long as they actually pay me and don't just think about it, that is. I'm no free thinker!


  1. Count me in! Hope they have an employee referral program?

  2. @ Swarna, Glad to know that I'm not alone!
